ECTI ECoP® Certification Renewal

ECTI’s ECoP® certification is valid for two years following your test pass date. Renewal certification periods will extend two years from your current certification expiration date. Certification cannot be renewed more than 24 months before the expiration date. Renewal training is necessary before your certification expires. The following credits are required to keep your certification(s) valid:

ECTI Certified Export Compliance Professional-EAR: 4 EAR Renewal Credits
ECTI Certified Export Compliance Professional-ITAR: 4 ITAR Renewal Credits

There are two ways to renew an ECTI ECoP® EAR or an ECTI ECoP® ITAR certification. Certification is renewed based on the completion of 4 credits per corresponding EAR or ITAR certification (8 credits required to renew both).

Please read the following guidelines carefully to ensure that your ECoP® certification renews properly.

 1st Renewal Option: ECTI Training

The simplest way to renew is to register for the relevant ECTI-approved course(s) before your certification expiration date. By doing so, your certification(s) will automatically renew. You must submit an Online ECoP® Renewal Form to ECTI once